Socializing is a trend that has been growing over the past decade. This trend refers to the act of connecting with other people in a virtual space rather than in the real world. Socializing can take many forms, including video chatting, phone calls, and online messaging. People socialize for a variety of reasons, but one of the most common is to reduce anxiety or loneliness. On the other hand, many people love to chat and spread their thoughts by sharing.

Social connections have many benefits, particularly for people who are isolated or who feel lonely. Social networks are a perfect fit for the individual who is seeking a robust network of connections without the responsibilities of maintaining a large network. These social networks allow members to connect with the community and other people in a similar situation, which can provide a support system for those who are often alone. They also provide a forum for those who are passionate about a specific topic to connect and discuss their interests with people who share the same interests. This can be a Godsend for those who are introverted or are shy and don't enjoy large group activities.

Social Networks are websites, apps, and other platforms that are designed to connect people who work together. These platforms allow members of a workplace to interact with each other and learn from each other’s experiences and advice. Especially, it helps a lot in the learning process. They also help members to build professional relationships and keep in touch with old friends and colleagues. Normally, with the passage of time, we lost contact with those who were once very close. Some examples of professional social networks include LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are a blessing to keep in touch with them and to send your updates to your friends.

Manipulating The Facts With all the goodness that mesmerizes us or appears with socializing, there are still a few continuous problems that occur many times. These are miscommunication or misleading the facts. We believe all the news, captions, etc., what we see or read without any confirmation of facts. The most common example is the widely shared health remedies. We know that everyone has different health situations with differences in metabolism, still without knowing the actual reason or symptoms people recommend different kinds of health tips to general people. Natural remedies are the most common example where one can be misled by natural ingredients from which most of them have various side effects. One must consult with some certified practitioner either a dietitian, herbalist, or doctor to verify the effectiveness of these health tips.

Another example is making a false statement for any randomly internet available picture. Some influencers try to manipulate their minds by tagging and sharing with a caption their own interest. Most of us are keen to re-confirm but generally, some people do not bother to check the authenticity and become a part to spread the rumors erroneously. On the other hand, the definition of a friend has become too vast. Once we cannot describe a specific person as a friend or buddy but these days anyone can send you a request at a social media site and be counted as a friend. Obviously, these are not friends in need but just a friend to read.

Goodness & Joy With all the bad or worse scenarios, socializing networks and socializing itself are a blessing. They are a great platform for sharing and reconnecting with our loved ones. Being vigilant in all matters of our life we can avoid misleading. Change is a necessity of life, and this socializing has become a vital part of our routine. We cannot avoid it, so why not accept it in a positive way. Sharing is something that gives you satisfaction when impacts the betterment of others. We should not stop spreading our thoughts with responsibility and accountability.


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